The Miracle that granted Mother Maria Ines the title of Blessed
On June 17, 2001, at the “El Rocío” ranch, on the outskirts of Guadalajara, Mexico, the miracle that was confirmed for Mother Maria Ines beatification took place. A boy named Francisco Javier Carrillo Guzmán, who was one year and three months old, was found floating in the pool at his home. His family immediately entrusted him, with great faith, to the intercession of Mother María Inés Teresa of the Blessed Sacrament. Francisco suffered suffocation from drowning. Resuscitation maneuvers were performed for thirty-five minutes, without any response from “Paquito”. The boy was intubated, he had recovered color, but was flaccid, without motor skills response. His dilated pupils did not respond to light stimuli and he could not breathe on his own, his situation worsened.
Friday the 22nd he had an organic multiple failure, and the doctors planned to begin withdrawing the resources of extreme life support, so as not to prolong the child’s agony. This was a feast day for the Poor Clare Missionary sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, who usually celebrate a Solemn Mass in thanksgiving for the Pontifical Approval of the Institute. The holy Mass was attended by the relatives of Paquito, who continued to ask, together with the religious sisters, through the intercession of Mother Maria Inés Teresa of the Blessed Sacrament, so that may God grant Paquito his full recovery.
That night the improvement was noticeable, he emerged from danger, and the doctors explained that there may be extensive sequelae, especially on the neurological side. However, Francisco Javier, without scientific explanation, was fully recovered.
On June 27, 2011: Pope Benedict XVI endorsed a miracle attributed to the Mexican religious María Inés-Teresa, approving her elevation to the altars as blessed of the Catholic Church.