The Promise of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Mother Maria Ines Teresa

On December 12, 1930, after her novitiate, Mother Maria Ines Teresa was admitted to her first profession at St. Toribio Church in Los Angeles, California.
This day Mother Ines lived a mystical experience: she heard in her soul a promise made to her by the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe before an image of our Lady at which Mother Ines was accustom to kneel and pray.
“Last night, I remembered some of the words which, on the day of my first profession, it seems that I heard from the lips of the Blessed Virgin (or perhaps my imagination put them on her lips), words which left her desires to conquer souls deep in my heart, although my life was contemplative, and I had no desire to leave it.”

Some of these words I remember best are: “If it enters into God’s desires to serve him from you (me), for the works of the apostolate, I (Mary) promise to place on your lips the persuasive words which softens hearts, and in them the grace needed: by the merits of my Son, I (Mary) promise to give all those with whom you (me) have some relation, even if it is only in spirit, sanctifying grace and final perseverance.”

“Her words were like a pillar of support in ‘my struggle for holiness’, a rainbow, an anchor and a source of strength for my trust, in order to bring souls to Jesus.” Mother Maria Ines Teresa