Welcome to this page dedicated to religious vocations. I sincerely, hope that by consulting it, you will get the information you are looking for in your discernment process.
The vocation is what St. John Paul II said, “a gift and a mystery.” For the vocation always comes from God. It is He who chooses the maiden He wants as His spouse and mother of infinite souls. Vocation it is a mystery of faith, hope and love.
Religious life is a precious way to live, like any other vocation. However, it requires both spiritual maturity and personal responsibility. Since a Consecration to God is a strong commitment, it needs a careful process of spiritual discernment by the young woman in order to discover the will of God for her.

Once the will of God is clear, the young woman who decides to consecrate her life to God as a Poor Clare Missionary Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament takes a step forward by doing what our Mother Foundress Maria Ines Teresa described as: “an act of love rather than a renunciation” in the fulfillment of this word of the Lord: “I have made you a light to the Gentiles, that you may be an instrument of salvation to the ends of the earth.” Acts 13, 47
“O my Jesus, I want to become a saint for you in Mary!” Bl. Maria Ines Teresa
Tips to Support Your Vocational Discernment
- Look for SILENCE external and internal. Think about the gift of your life and ask God how could you thank Him? What does HE want you to do with that gift? In the silence talk to God and LISTEN to Him.
- Rely your vocation on Our blessed Mother Mary. Trust in her intercession and contemplate her openness to accept and do the will of God, and imitate her.
- Frequent the sacraments of Confession and Communion, as well as the visits to the Blessed Sacrament.
- Talk to the vocation director of the congregation that appeals to your heart, and ask her any questions you may have.
- Don’t stop praying for your vocation daily, a rosary or a simple prayer in your own words, but from the bottom of your heart.
- Entrust yourself to any Saint, who may intercede before God and help you discover your vocation.
Sr. Clara García, MC.
Vocation Director