The Inesian Family is the fruit of the spousal love that our Mother foundress Maria Ines Teresa professed to Jesus in the Eucharist, of her filial love to our Blessed Mother our Lady of Guadalupe, of her maternal love “to the souls”, that is to all people.
Mother Maria Ines Teresa, Apostle of trust in God, responded to her vocation as Foundress of the Inesian Family, which opens its doors to every specific vocation in the Church… six strings of the lyre from the heart of Mother Maria Ines Teresa vibrate in wonderful harmony:

The Poor Clare Missionary Sisters. Approved by the Holy See on June 22, 1951 are religious consecrated to God with vows of poverty, chastity and obedience that live in community. Our charism is missionary – contemplative and active “to fuse Martha and Mary, as a one single soul.” We are dedicated to the external works framed in a picture of interior life. Our motto is “Christ Must Reign.”

Institute of Consecrated Inesian Missionaries. A group of lay women consecrated to God by vows to imitate the life of Jesus, living in poverty, chastity and obedience. Striving firmly to imitate His virtues. Their motto is “My life is Chris; may everyone know and love Him”. Their apostolic mission is the duty of evangelization. They do not wear a habit or a uniform.

Missionaries of Christ for the Universal Church. A Missionary Institute of brothers and priests, who live the charism and the spirituality of Mother Maria Ines.

Van Clar. A group of lay missionaries including children, adolescents, young people, marriages and families. They receive formation to help them live the Inesian spirituality. Their motto is “Living for Christ.” They strive for sanctity through the practice of baptismal commitment in the family, professional, social and ecclesial environment.

Priestly Group of Mother María Inés. Constituted by diocesan priests who live specific priestly spirituality, inspired by the life and doctrine of Mother María Inés Teresa Arias. They spread the spirituality of Mother María Inés.

The Eucharistic Family. It is a spiritual association of Catholic faithful that promotes the adoration of Jesus in the Eucharist to extend His reign of love and promote holiness as a goal of life.